Lawn maintenance works
El Buxaus
Subsidized works, within the framework of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 (operations 04.04.01 and 07.01.01), approved by Order TES/184/2019, of 10 October, financed by the European Union.
Meadows and sedge meadows are seriously threatened throughout the Catalan territory. Apart from fulfilling functions for threatened vertebrate fauna,
they are also spaces with a high floristic richness, of pollinating insects and significantly reduce the risk of forest fires. Its conservation, beyond the role of fauna conservation,
is a priority objective of the management in themselves of the Natura 2000 Network (Habitats Directive 1992/43/EEC, RD 1997/95) and the ENPE del Montseny (Special Plan) .
With the aim of improving the biodiversity of the open spaces of the farmhouse, we have carried out felling, plowing and selective clearing of the bushes on the banks in order
to maintain their ecological functionality, and to promote poácias that can offer competition to the ferns The aim of the work is to favor the creation of shrubby margins with isolated
trees and to avoid succession in the colonization towards a closed forest.
These works have been made possible thanks to the subsidies to the natural spaces of Catalonia, to habitats and species, within the framework of the Rural Development
Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 (operations 04.04.01 and 07.01.01), approved by the TES Order /184/2019, of October 10, financed by the European Union.