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Telephone, email and information on how to get there.
Road from Arbúcies to Viladrau until Km.2.2 Camping sign on the left.
Follow the forest track over the stream bridge for 7 km. always to the right until El Buxaus.
Telephone, email and information on how to get there.
Road from Arbúcies to Viladrau until Km.2.2 Camping sign on the left.
Follow the forest track over the stream bridge for 7 km. always to the right until El Buxaus.
El Buxaus de la Muntanya | PG-000165
Disseminat s/n El Buxaus 17401 Arbúcies
678 711 569
+34 678 711 569
info at elbuxausdelamuntanya dot cat